Get With The Guidelines®

Quality improvement & registry programs to help hospitals accomplish more

Every hospital’s goal is to provide excellent patient care.

Continually evolving research can be hard to keep up with. 

That’s where Get With The Guidelines comes in.


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遵循指南是一种经过验证的院内方法,可改善心血管和中风重点领域的患者预后. 每个获得指南计划促进一致遵守最新的研究驱动的指南和测量, 同时为专业人员提供数据和信息,以持续改善患者护理. 

Did you know?

所有遵循指南的模块都与多个护理过程的显著改善有关,这些过程与改善的结果密切相关. ref

Going Beyond Quality Improvement

当你所在的医院或卫生系统参与“遵循指南”计划时, the impact can improve outcomes across the board.  
  • Improved Patient Outcomes: 遵循循证指南可减少二次沙巴体育平台点击进入,从而挽救社区的生命.

  • Equitable Patient Care: 一致的、以证据为基础的治疗确保较少因偏倚引起的护理差异.

  • Staff Morale: When leveraged, 衡量目标可以产生友好的竞争,并提供积极的庆祝理由.

  • Certification Opportunities: 项目通过联合委员会为简化医院认证过程提供数据基础.  
  • Accurate Reimbursement: 通过记录准确和改进的指标,确保您的医院收到适当的报销.

  • Return on Investment: 患者预后的改善往往导致再入院率和住院沙巴足球体育平台的减少, as well as impacting discharges to home, which can provide significant savings for hospitals.

  •  A Competitive Edge: 认可奖项和认证是医院在市场中脱颖而出并获得社区关注的有力途径.

Did you know?


Plus, 与没有实施指南的医院相比,实施指南医院的30天再入院率有所下降. ref


How it Works


Measurement and Benchmarking

了解质量测量对于改善患者护理和简化认证过程至关重要. 参与的医院进一步努力,确保团队使用当前的指导治疗方法, setting industry-standard goals, and using peer benchmarks to compare performance.     

Quality Improvement Support

每个参与的医院和卫生系统与一名项目顾问合作实施, interpret data, identify areas for improvement, and articulate recommendations internally.


Registry Tool and Industry Research

使用指南注册工具从参与的医院收集数据. 这些信息使医疗保健领导者和研究人员能够检查趋势,并继续将当前的循证指导应用于整个行业.

From data to use & implementation, just like that!

Did you know?

More than 2,600 U.S. 医院至少参加了一个“遵循指南”计划.  That means nearly 80% of the American population has access.

此外,自该项目成立以来,超过1300万美国学生申请了该项目.S. patient records have been entered into the registry.  Learn about research opportunities using this data. 

Systemwide Improvement & Multi-site Comparison for Health Care Systems

For health systems with multiple sites, 一致的测量和质量改进实施可以对患者护理产生特别大的影响.
Through each Get With The Guidelines program, 多站点系统——或者超级用户——可以比较多个站点的处理和性能.
Physician holding a foam heart

Supporting Health Equity

通过使用指南注册表,医院和医疗保健系统可以 identify and address variations in care.(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window) Data is available to address the care continuum from pre-hospital care through hospitalization(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window) 确保所有患者接受指导治疗. 

New Certification Requirements

Beginning in January 2023, The Joint Commission will implement new requirements to reduce health care disparities. Get With The Guidelines项目是医院获取这些数据并开始改变结果的全套解决方案.

Providing Quality Improvement Access in Rural Areas

The American Heart Association's Rural Health Care Outcomes Accelerator 将为多达700家农村医院提供免费服务,以增加新的“遵循指南”计划, as well as access to Program Consultants, and the Rural Community Network of hospitals.

Did you know?

在参与指南的医院中,对一些患者群体的差异已经减少或消除, including women, Hispanic, and Asian American people.ref

Get Recognized For Quality Achievements

积极和持续参与“遵循指南”项目的医院有资格获得公众认可. Awards can be leveraged for PR and marketing opportunities, as well as recruiting and staff engagement. 

See Recognized Hospitals in US News & World Report

Support from the Heart
